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Business Start-Ups: 3 Trade Show Display Ideas To Access Customer Information

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When starting a new business, one of the biggest goals is building a large customer base. By reaching out to customers, you can showcase your products and business services to the largest audience possible. One way to reach potential customers is with a trade show display. As you showcase your business at various trade shows and conventions, you can use various designs to help attract customer information and create direct promotions. By working with a design agency, the following three display ideas can be implemented to gather customer data and contact information.

Information Placards

Give customers quick access to your business and allow them to enter contact information by setting up information placards. These are individual stands that can be placed around the edges of your trade show display. The placards feature your business logo on the stand and have a mounting area at the top for a tablet display. It allows customers to quickly stop by and browse through business information on the tablet. The tablet can also give them a quick entry point for contact information like email addresses and phone numbers. If you're busy with other people, the placards are great ways for people to stop by and still get information if there is no one to help at the moments.

Seating Areas

A trade show could features hundreds of booths at one time. People quickly travel from booth to booth, browsing different businesses. By providing a seating area, you can give potential customers a place to rest and learn more about the business. While sitting, it's easy to engage a person and offer them a tablet or clipboard for filling information out on. A design agency can help you select chairs and seating arrangements that encourage customer engagement while still providing an open setting for your trade show area.

Touch Screen Tables

Attract customers to your booth with a large display that can showcase all of your business services. A touch screen table is essentially an oversized tablet. The novelty of the table can draw customers in as they touch and interact with the different features on the table. One of these features is the ability to open multiple windows, including a fill-form window. Through the forms, customers can be added to the contact list and receive additional information about your business. You can also have customers sign up for text alerts along with email lists. Text alerts are a great way to connect on mobile devices and provide access to quick sales and information.

Contact a design agency to plan out all of your trade show features. You have the option of renting equipment or using it for multiple years of trade show use.
